Does your business need a boost? Do you want to open doors that would otherwise remain closed because your competition has published a book and you haven't? Are you looking to build credibility in your field? Writing a book is a terrific place to start.
Workbooks for clients: Depending on your field, you may find your clients love workbooks. Before opening a publishing company for non-fiction self-help authors, we owned a successful hypnosis practice in Phoenix, Arizona. We saw thousands of clients and found that having simple workbooks or manuals about how our process worked was incredibly helpful.
A common phrase or concern we often heard as hypnotists was, “Are you going to make me cluck like a chicken?” I was so annoyed by that until my husband wrote a short book called “Cluck Like A Chicken: Debunking Hypnosis Myths.” There was a giant chicken on the front cover with a circle and a slash through it. It contained several myths and misconceptions about hypnosis. Clients could read it in our lobby before coming in and got a kick out of the design. The short book did a lot to help us even before they came in for their first visit.
A workbook also offers a space for your clients to come to their conclusions and insights. It is an excellent tool to solidify your time together if you are a practitioner in the mental/emotional help fields. Using a workbook can help give homework to your clients so they can practice outside of your office. If you are in any line of business that can potentially teach anything, a book is a terrific help.
Information Guide Books: A simple guidebook on how to use your service or product is a fantastic tool to help you grow your business. If you are going to networking meetings or want people to clearly understand your product so they may help you sell it to their customers, you can offer a book that helps people understand what you have to offer. A guide book can be a short, non-published PDF or e-Book. I have a few that are just for our authors to help with book launches or understanding the scope of collaborative books. It’s wonderful to have a couple of these short guidebooks at your disposal to answer common questions everyone tends to have. Designrr.IO is a terrific place to start if you want to make some easy e-Books or PDFs for your brand. You pick your theme and layout, upload your content, and instantly create a lovely PDF.
Personal Development Books: If you are building your brand in the personal development field as a counselor or coach, a book is a must-have. A book helps solidify your brand and get your message out to more people. If you are in the help industry, now is the time to start or finish your book. Many people need a fresh perspective on shifting mindset and changing behavior. In what ways can your unique approach to helping your clients reach more people?
When you have a book, you are using the one-on-many approach to change work. Instead of seeing one client at a time, you can reach more people throughout the world. You become one light that sparks many.
You can connect with organizations, book clubs, other practitioners, and share your perspective, which could, at a minimum, help hundreds and even thousands of people. Creating a book is a marketing expense and can be taken as a tax write off. I truly haven’t found a print ad or other marketing approach that costs as little as creating a book with as much ROI, if done properly.
Help with Credibility: Do you want to be a speaker on any stage? To be taken seriously, event organizers and companies need to know you mean business. If you have put in the effort to write a book and get clear on your message, they will find it much easier to enlist your speaking abilities for their audience. They know you back up your word, and when you add a platform and a following, even if it’s small at first, you add additional value to your name and personality. Don’t get me wrong; in every sense of the word, you are enough! In the speaking circuit, however, you need your "enoughness" and self-confidence to help you write a book and gain some traction.
I hear it all the time. “I have a book in me, but I don’t know how to get it out.” We found a way to answer that challenge and created the Build Your Brilliant Book masterclass, which is designed to help you write your book in 90 days. Enrollment is only open until August 1st, 2020. If you have a book in you and want it to get from thoughts to paper, I would love to join us. Learn More Here